Residential Properties
Location: Locations throughout New Jersey
Regulatory Program: Underground Storage Tank Program
Duration: 2000 to Present
Summary: Residential UST release technical assistance
Princeton Geoscience provides technical assistance to another consulting firm, in connection with investigation and remediation of releases from underground storage tanks (USTs) at residential properties. This includes review of project reports, development of workplans for investigation and remediation, conducting field investigations as an NJDEP licensed Certified Subsurface Evaluator and preparation of reports. In this capacity, we have performed work in a variety of hydrogeologic settings, ranging from water table aquifers in the Coastal Plain to areas with ephemeral perched zones overlying bedrock aquifers.
The main challenges of these types of projects relate to the need to satisfy specific and sometimes cumbersome regulatory requirements while maintaining a practical approach consistent with the financial constraints of residential clients. On the other hand, because residential UST projects are often relatively simple from a technical perspective (e.g., contaminant sources are known and can often be easily remediated), close regulatory scrutiny and extensive documentation of all aspects of the project is usually unnecessary. For example, workplans and reports can often be submitted in an abbreviated letter format, resulting in significant savings of time and cost.